Ian's Editorial

A Very warm welcome to the CRYPT 17. To readers New and old alike I am sure that wandering through the pages of the magazine, You will find something to your liking.

Well normally at this stage, I get the chance to Tell you about all the exciting things that are happening at RIYAN Productions, then get on my soap box and tell you all that we need your input to survive .... Well not this time :)

Yes there IS exciting things happening at RIYAN,But I'll leave Ray to tell you about these. As for needing YOUR Input, Well that really goes without saying, However one look at his Issue and I am sure you will realise that we are getting a lot of material.

Issue 17 has been "A Bitch" ...Yup ...Ray and I ...JUST managed (With the aid of a shoehorn, 2 tyre levers, a crowbar and a lot of foot stamping) to cram all the files on to 5 disks (Phew).

Believe it or not ... We even had to hold a few things back due to lack of room! So where are all these articles coming from?

Well we (RIYAN) have now reached the stage where people are contacting us and asking if we will include their material in the Magazine.

Good News indeed ... Does that mean that the CRYPT is successful? ...

Well in my eyes it doesn't! Sure its nice to see this happening but I measure success by the Amount of people who write to us and say what they think of the Magazine. Sadly this issue we received very few letters from you ... So either the CRYPT is not as good as we hoped or a lot of you are just to lazy to respond. If it is the case that people are lazy, then this is a great shame. We need your views and opinions to continue improvements to the Publication, Without them we are fighting a lost cause.

So if you really want to keep the Magazine going, Them send us your views on our work (Good or Bad) If you are reading the DMC version (AA CD/Disk/Aminet download) them either email myself or Ray with your comments or send us a letter. If you are reading this On line then PLEASE go to our Guestbook and enter your comments there ( 3000+ Visitors and 13 entries in the Guestbook doesn't hearten us much).

WE at RIYAN Productions are looking to the Future, We have great plans for the CRYPT ... Times can become quite exciting ..But we need You the Reader to be there with us. You and your letters ARE the moral support that we NEED. Without you and this Support we Die.

Hopefully in the Next Issue I will be able to say what a nice large Letters Page we have ... So come on everyone SUPPORT Us.

Ian C Fyvie (The FERRET)
